Sex is not just about body parts.

SJ – So Joshua, are spirits male and female?

Joshua – Your sex or rather your gender is not just about body parts. It is how you perceive the world, how you treat the world, and what you expect from the world. Unlike humans, spirits have no worries about physical body maintenance but they still have ‘gender’ maintenance.

SJ – Okay you had me at “your sex”. Go on…

Joshua – Physical attraction does not exist in the spirit world but we are still drawn to one another’s esprit. The consequences of your behavior on earth will glow like a neon sign in your spiritual energy globe. Everyone will know what relationship lessons you need to learn to grow wiser; and the ones you’re willing to teach. There will be volunteers galore willing to help you learn these lessons in your next life.

SJ – You make it sound like a dating pool. Besides how would we recognize each other once we’re reincarnated on earth?

Joshua – Soulmates are quite capable of finding each other. They will orchestrate all manner of events, travel miles to places unexpected to find the one who will help them grow spiritually.

SJ – Or make each other miserable? 

Joshua – How did you get so cynical, my sweet soul?

SJ – It’s a long story. Maybe I ignored the signs and just went for the looks.

Joshua – You know very well that you were never attracted to a man based only on his looks.

SJ – Of course, I don’t fall for every good looking guy that comes along but down here on the planet I have eyes. Never mind, I get what you’re saying. Next question: So why are we two genders?

Joshua – Try to imagine the world with only one sex.

SJ – Well for some that could be enticing but not for me.

Joshua – What would you learn about life if there was only one sex. For that matter what would you learn about yourself if you weren’t with someone so totally opposite from you trying to figure you out. Someone who keeps bouncing ‘yourself ‘ right back at you. A self that you have to look at and question. Because when you first projected your words onto this other human being who loves you, whatever you were saying made sense; whatever you were doing seemed like a good idea. Then he begged to differ or in other words you have some “splaining to do, Lucy”.

SJ – First of all I was never with a man who “begged to differ”.  It was more like “are you insane?” and a few other choice words. But I’ll admit I’ve had some “splaining” to do but mostly I’ve been the one demanding the explanation from some guy.  I might add, this seems to be the case with most couples. Frankly, I’ve never really been able to change any man’s behavior.

Joshua – But you kept trying didn’t you?

SJ – Your point?

Joshua – This loving one another inspite of your differences is what generates the positive energy that the Universe is desperate to accumulate. And it is your differences that bring about the soul lessons you are all on the planet to learn. Make no mistake, male and female, you absolutely need one another to continue human existence on earth.

SJ – I don’t think I’ve ever felt that blissful “soulmate” feeling with anyone or that “we’re gonna ride off into the sunset and live happily ever-after” feeling.

Joshua – Really?

SJ – You sound skeptical. Is it because I’m no “spring chicken”?

Joshua – You really need to find some new quotes. Who says that stuff anyway? So have you ever loved anyone who made you crazy, who “pushed your buttons”?

SJ – Now who’s using the corny quotes? The answer is yes. I’ve been driven crazy many times.

Joshua – Well then, you might just have met your soulmate.

SJ – Please tell me we can have more than one soulmate in one lifetime.

Joshua – Of course you can. But proceed with caution next time.

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